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- NOTE: The word file ARENA2.DOC is more up to date than this!!
- 1--Copyright stuff
- 2--Command summary
- 3--Options
- 4--Taking a turn
- 5--Spells
- 6--Terrain
- 7--Hints
- 8--Registering
- ARENA 2, the game, and all it's graphics files are Copyright 1996
- Benjamin Peterson. The sound files and font are not copyrighted.
- 2. Command Summary
- For quick reference:
- Keypad: Moves and selects an adjacent square for monster creation.
- S: Brings up the spell selection menu when a creature has spells.
- F: Fires, when a creature can do so.
- T: Takes off, fo a flying creature.
- SPACE: Ends a creature's turn.
- ESC: Ends the game, and quits from spell selection.
- The mouse:
- RIGHTCLICK shows what side the pieces are on.
- LEFTCLICK zooms back to the piece being moved.
- or:
- LEFTCLICK selects a square when aiming a spell or missile
- or:
- LEFTCLICK selects a spell, attempting to make a real monster if it
- is a creation spell
- RIGHTCLICK selects a spell, making an illusory monster if it is a
- creation spell.
- Press 'B' on the title screen to be given the options screen. Once
- set, the options are saved and the next game will have the same
- options unless they are changed.
- There are four wizards. Each can be controlled by the CPU, control-
- led by a human, or not present. Click on the top of the wizard's
- little box to cycle through these possibilities.
- Normally, the 'TYPE' of each wizard should be 'WIZARD'. However,
- other types are available, and can be cycled through by clicking
- on 'TYPE'. The other types start with armies, but have limited
- spells; for instance, 'CRUSADER' gives an army of benevolent
- beings, but only a few spells.
- Click on 'NAME' to set the name; press return after typing the name
- in.
- The 'SIZE' option controls the dimensions of the Arena.
- The 'FAIRNESS' option, if set to equal, ensures that all wizards of
- type 'WIZARD' get the same spells.
- 'Soundblaster' should be obvious.
- 'Statistics mode' causes only graphs to be displayed. It only works
- if there are no human wizards. It's not really useful, but I like
- watching it.
- 'Speed' is there mostly so that the action can be accelerated if there
- are a lot of CPU wizards.
- Your aim is to kill other wizards and avoid being killed. To this
- end, you have a number of spells chosen at random. Some of these
- create other beings to help you, some blow things up, and some are
- more subtle.
- Players take it in turns to move. Currently, each player's pieces
- move in a fixed order, always starting with the wizard. This may
- change in later versions.
- While moving a piece, the keypad causes it to physically move, and
- the space bar causes it to end it's move, moving the cursor to the
- next piece. The upper information panel on the right describes
- the current piece; the lower one describes whatever is under the
- cursor. You can move the cursor around, and press the left button
- to return to the current piece.
- If 'F' or 'T' should be pressed (and the piece can fire or fly -- the
- upper panel describes it's abilities) the cursor will become
- crosshairs. Left click to select somewhere to fly to or fire at.
- If 'S' is pressed, a list of the creature's spells will appear in
- the upper panel. The lower one will contain a very short description
- of the current spell. Left clicking on a spell causes a 'real'
- version of the spell to be cast; right clicking causes an
- 'illusory' version.
- Play continues until either 1 or 0 wizards remain alive. At the
- end, some graphs are shown describing the course of the game.
- All monsters have the following characteristics:
- ATTACK: Attacking power.
- DEFEND: Defending power.
- ALIVENESS: Can be alive, undead, or shade. Undead monsters can
- not be hit by alive ones (except wizards). Shades can't
- do anything at all, except block the enemy's line of
- sight... but they can be brought back to life...
- All undead are evil.
- REALNESS: See under 'SPELLS'.
- FLIGHT: Indicated by a wing icon. Press 'T' to take off.
- MAGIC: Indicated by a book icon. Press 'S' to cast spells.
- PROJECTILES: Indicated by an arrow icon and 2 numbers, which
- represent the number of shots that can be fired per
- turn, and the range. Monsters may fire arrows,
- psychic rays or fireballs. Fireballs are much
- more useful than the others.
- MOVEMENT: Number of moves the monster can perform per turn.
- ALIGNMENT: Affects susceptibility to some spells. Also, Mirkwoods
- never attack evil monsters.
- Right, two VERY important principles: Alignment and Illusions.
- Your alignment, when you are selecting a spell, is indicated
- roughly by the coloured bar over the spell list. You become
- more evil by casting evil spells, which are red in the spell
- list, and more good by casting good spells which are green.
- Some spells are neutral and make no difference.
- The more evil you are, the harder it is to call a good monster
- and vice versa. Thus, if you have a 'Red Dragon' spell, which
- has a very low success rate, you should call all your evil
- monsters, and cast as many other evil spells as you can, before
- you attempt to call the dragon.
- If you rightclick on a 'Call' spell, the monster will ALWAYS
- appear. However, it will be an illusion. Illusions behave
- exactly like real monsters, except that they can be destroyed
- by the 'True Sight' spell. There is thus a good deal of bluffing
- involved between players.
- Different spells have different ranges; 'Call' spells are cast
- at an adjacent square selected with the keypad, while most
- others are aimed with the mouse. Here is a discussion of
- particular spells:
- TRUE SIGHT: Can be aimed anywhere. Unique in that casting it
- does not use it up. Destroys illusions. This is the most-used
- spell.
- CALL whatever: Calls the appropriate monster. The little number
- in brackets in the panel under the spell list is the difficulty
- of the monster. Difficulty is also affected by the alignment of
- the caster; it's virtually impossible to call a Gold Dragon unless
- you are VERY good already.
- CREATE whatever: Lets you cover 5 squares, that you can see, and
- that are within a certain range, with a certain terrain type. It
- continues showing the 'target sight' cursor until 5 squares have
- been covered. Can affect your alignment.
- certain properties of the monster they are cast on, e.g. FLY gives
- it the ability to fly. Don't underestimate these, especially not
- heroism; it's much easier to create something weak and then cast
- a few of these on it than to keep trying to create a dragon. These
- spells don't affect your alignment.
- CURSE/BLESS/BLAST: Can be fired anywhere, and completely destroy
- the contents of the square they are fired at EXCEPT that good
- things are immune to BLESS, evil things are immune to CURSE, and
- BLAST fails about 2/3 of the time.
- MAGIC ARROW/PSYCHIC RAY/FIREBALL: Fire magical equivalents of the
- three projectile weapons. They all have a range of five, and will
- make you slightly more evil. They are listed here in ascending
- order of destructiveness.
- MIRROR: Makes an illusory copy of the caster.
- CLONE: 2/3 chance of making a clone (loyal to the caster) of
- whatever it is aimed at.
- CHARM: This has no range requirement but DOES require line of
- sight. It has a 2/3 chance of changing the loyalty of the target
- to that of the caster.
- POLYMORPH: Randomly polymorphs the target. You can polymorph
- yourself, but not the other wizards.
- RAISE DEAD: Cast this on a shade, and the shade will become an
- undead version of it's old self, loyal to you.
- EARTHQUAKE/MANA STORM/SHOCKWAVE: The three powerful combat spells.
- Generally very dangerous to your own side, since they affect more
- than one square. They make you evil.
- CREATE FOREST: Makes you more good, and covers a wide area with
- trees.
- BENEVOLENCE/MALEVOLENCE: Change your alignment -- useful when you're
- going for that hard-to-get real dragon. Also slightly improve the
- stats of good and evil creatures respectively.
- The terrain types are:
- GROUND: plain ole ground.
- GRASS: you can't see through this. Otherwise it's like ground.
- It has a tendency to catch fire, and it also grows
- gradually unless it is burnt.
- FIRE: Spreads through grass. May start at any time. It burns
- pieces next to it, so avoid it! Fireballs start fires.
- WALLS: Look like little buildings. Pieces cannot go on to walls
- unless the wall is owned by the same wizard as the piece.
- Not very important, really.
- TREES: Very important. When in a tree, you are invulnerable. The
- enemy have to knock the tree down before they can kill you.
- MIRKWOODS: Evil trees that attack non-evil pieces when they can.
- CRATERS: Do nothing. Just decorative.
- 8. HINTS
- --Cast your 'Call' spells in a sensible order, working up to the more
- powerful and difficult ones.
- --Use Gift to give, say, Earthquake to a piece and then send the
- piece forward to use it, thus keeping your wizard safe.
- --Put your archers and other long-range pieces in trees, so that
- they can snipe at the enemy without being shot themselves.
- --Use grass to advance against enemy archers -- they can't see you
- when you're behind it.
- --Sidhe and Ghosts are very useful and fairly easy to create.
- --Dont cast your Heroism spells (and other spells such as Strength)
- on your very best pieces; the enemy might just Blast or Charm them
- and you'll regret it. It's better to use them to make mediocre
- pieces into killing machines.
- Send 15 UK pounds or 25 US dollars to:
- Benjamin Peterson,
- 12, Vereker Road,
- London W14 9JR,
- There's more talk of this in the ARENA2.DOC file. Hardly matters,
- though... either I get no money or I spend 5 hours a day at the
- 'foreign currency' window... there must be a better way to do this
- bit :P
- I am:
- azathoth@nlic2.questint.com
- azathoth@zippy.spods.dcs.kcl.ac.uk